Nearly every persecuted Christian in the Middle.. Secrets and Lies: Life as a Persecuted Christian Can you imagine: You’re a young child, and your.. Sidqi’s Persecution of Christians Turned to Love Questions about Islam, dreams and visions, paths.. Persecuted Brothers and Sisters Like Amjad Seeking Truth At Help The Persecuted, we understand that “Help.. God’s Work to Rebuild Lives of the Persecuted It’s often the case that abused men and women in.. Persecuted Women: Halina’s Story Christian persecution is personal. Acts of.. Opportunities to Help Persecuted Christians The explosion that rocked the port area of Beirut.. Rapid Response to the Beirut Explosion Omar had a successful job selling clothes and.. An Answer to Prayer; A Multiplied Gift FUNDED: Thank You Sadira grew up in a Muslim.. Opportunities to Help: Sadira FUNDED: Thank You Omar was born and raised in a.. Opportunities to Help: Omar FUNDED: Thank You In Morocco, believers must.. Opportunities to Help: Morocco In many cases, our persecuted brothers and.. Finding the Way of Truth Oftentimes when a Christian brother or sister is.. Support the Persecuted; Impact a Generation One of the harsh realities Help The Persecuted.. The Uncertainty and Horror of Extreme Persecution Persecuted Christian mothers bear a special.. Persecuted Christian Mothers Stand in Faith Shining a light in the darkness of persecution .. The horror of persecution against Christian women The men and women of our Field Ministry Team take What Faith Looks Like: Ministry in the Middle East Love. The driving force behind great movements,.. On the Front Lines of Christian Persecution Though we are each called to make disciples of.. Risking it all for the Sake of the Gospel Often, in order to survive in the Middle East, a.. Safe Houses: Help for Christians on the run, in extreme danger Newer posts Older posts