Funded: Thank You

Karima grew up with a Christian background, but no one in her family followed Christ. When her family hit hard times, her husband tried to force her into prostitution. Sadly, her own parents supported this idea and pressured her as well. 

Karima fled to a local church, and they helped her relocate. Since that time, she has been on the run as her family is looking for her. 

The Body of Christ has become her new family and she has committed her life to the Lord. 

Karima wants to live a life of peace, following Jesus as she has been called to do. She is in desperate need of a safe place where she can stop running and rebuild her life on her own.

As she picks herself up, help us come alongside of her to provide basic needs and living expenses. Our team will disciple her and help her to heal from her family’s persecution.

Help us support Karima. Your gift of any amount will help Karima build a solid foundation for her future. Help us reach our goal of $600.