At Help The Persecuted, we understand that “Help The Persecuted’s Fiscal Year-End” isn’t on anyone else’s calendar but ours. Though many non-profits see fiscal year-end as a great push to raise money, we see our fiscal year-end as a push to Rescue, Restore, and Rebuild lives, and a time to reflect on all God has done over the past year of ministry.

Even in a year of unprecedented changes in our economy, lifestyles, careers, and relationships, God grew our ministry to reach even more people in desperate need of support and spiritual encouragement.

We have you to thank—sincerely, and deeply—for the number of men, women, and children we have supported over this past, somewhat unbelievable, year. You are the engine that keeps the “machine” of our team reaching out its arms and gathering people to Christ. Thank you.

What Matters Most

When some organizations talk about finances, the people being served in the process can sometimes go unnamed in an impressive number on paper. While numbers matter to Help The Persecuted, we believe the people and their stories matter most of all. For each of the numbers we share, one of our team members knows their name and their face.  

With your help over the course of this past year, we . . . 

  • supported over 43,000 persecuted Christians;
  • added seven Safe Houses;
  • baptized hundreds of new believers throughout the Muslim world and discipled thousands more;
  • and provided approximately 7,000 Emergency Relief Kits to persecuted and vulnerable Christian families in need of critical food supplies and spiritual materials.

How You Help Rebuild Lives

While we can’t share the stories of all of our persecuted brothers and sisters, we try to share as many as possible through this blog, and through our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

One man you’ve helped is our brother, Raed. When Raed abandoned his Muslim faith and accepted the gift of salvation in Jesus, he lost everything.

He was mocked and insulted in his workplace. A loss of customers meant no income. Eventually, he had no choice but to stay home. And things were worse there.

Raed’s family harassed him and threatened his life. They cut off all means of financial support because he would not deny Christ and return to Islam.

With nothing but his faith to see him through, Raed searched for help and trusted God to take care of him. And God came through!

Raed was directed to our Field Ministry Team in Iraq. With your support, we were able to provide the funds for a place to live—and help him establish a new business in a large city, well hidden and far from his abusers.  

Our local team members began discipling and encouraging Raed, who is now growing in his faith and is eager to share it with others. He recently asked a team member if people were praying for him, saying:

“I feel strong, as if somebody is praying for me. Such an amazing feeling.”

Yes! Praise God! Thousands of believers are praying for—and supporting—Raed!

Thank you for being one of them—for tangibly sharing the love of Christ when Raed needed to see it most. For saving his life, and helping solidify his faith.

Our Field Ministry Team members have told us that it is often the prayers of the Body of Christ all around the world that persecuted believers in the Middle East and North Africa cherish the most. Our God hears the prayers of His people, and He is moving to rebuild lives.

Being the Body of Christ to Amira and Her Daughters 

When you lose everyone and everything, you feel that life is over. Having Christ, however, gives us hope and peace. Thank you for helping us.” Amira recently shared her feelings with a Help The Persecuted Field Ministry Team member about what your support has meant to her and her daughters.

Amira and her two teenage daughters are on the run from her own family. After accepting Christ, 10 members of her and her husband’s family hammered on her door, demanding to be let in. When she opened the door, they attacked and beat her. They threatened to circumcise her daughters and have them all placed in prison.  

In the days following this terrible night of pain and torture, local church members helped Amira and her daughters escape.

Help The Persecuted is ministering to them in their new location. Amira and the girls needed help with housing, living expenses, and an unexpected urgent surgery. They also need spiritual encouragement. Amira recently received threats on her phone and was told her husband is still hunting for them.

Together, we will continue to be the Body of Christ to Amira and her daughters.

God Loves to Rebuild Lives

It is a tremendous thing to realize the impact that you’re having to help us Rescue, Restore, and Rebuild lives, here and now in 2021. Your prayer and your gifts have helped us reach our biggest ever fiscal year-end goals. Raed, Amira, and thousands more extend their gratitude daily. Those we support often tell of how they pray for the Body of Christ and for Help The Persecuted.

We serve a God who loves to rebuild lives. As we celebrate how He has worked through you and through Help The Persecuted this past year, let us remember that our work is not done until Christ comes again to take us home—where then, the lives of Christians will be fully rescued, restored, and rebuilt.