There are hundreds of millions of Christians across the world who are being persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ. Because of their often severe persecution, their needs are significant, and nearly always immediate. These persecuted Christians are hard working, sincere followers of Christ who want to rebuild their lives. They need help building a foundation that endures the storms of persecution that sweep through their lives in various seasons.

That’s why Help The Persecuted is committed to Enduring Livelihood, a form of ministry to our persecuted brothers and sisters that provides a way for them to succeed in making a life for themselves and their children.

Many persecuted believers struggle greatly to find work and support their families. Our local Field Ministry Teams help them discover and establish Enduring Livelihood by starting small businesses, providing for their families, and discovering hope for the future.

Persecuted Christians Need Work to Live

In many countries, believers are harassed and driven off from their jobs, rejected by employers, and sometimes physically blocked from completing their work. The message is clear: renounce Jesus and you will be able to earn money to care for your family.

Aziza can tell you all about it. In her small town, Christians have been kidnapped and killed. A relative of Aziza’s husband was murdered in broad daylight with witnesses. Aziza’s aunt was stripped naked in public, leaving her shamed.

Then it got even more personal. Four men abducted Aziza and her husband and demanded that they renounce their Christian faith. By a miracle of God’s grace, they escaped. Then came threats against their children. Desperate for peace, Aziza and her family moved—but there was no peace.

They’ve moved four times so far, driven out each time by vicious persecution. For Aziza’s husband, who once had a good career, steady work has been impossible to secure.

Through your support, Help The Persecuted has sustained this struggling family—in a perhaps-surprising way—by helping Aziza establish her own business. We gave Aziza a good sewing machine and helped her launch a sewing profession. Today, she’s working, supporting her family as her husband continues searching for a stable job. Thanks to you, Aziza and her family have hope for their future.

Aziza’s faith is strong. She points to her family’s survival as evidence of God’s love. But your generosity has bridged the gap for her family, in a very personal and practical way—by providing a steady stream of income to help rebuild their lives.

The Need—and Opportunity—is Great

As a keystone element of our ministry, Help The Persecuted has provided Enduring Livelihood since our founding. In the last year, as the need and opportunity has grown exponentially during the pandemic, we’ve doubled our efforts to provide a solid foundation for the future of persecuted Christians in the Middle East and North Africa.

We are giving persecuted believers the support they need to make an income, equipping and training them to establish small businesses, ensuring that Christian parents have the means to provide for their children.

  • We helped our Christian brother in Syria purchase cows and start a farm. His voice shook with joy as he shared: “I kept praying to God that He would spare us and save us from our misery; then you came to me with this kindness! I am forever thankful.”
  • Five Syrian families devastated by the war have been given the financial help they need to return to their homeland and start a coffee shop in their community. This comprehensive project is being overseen by our local team member, Fareed. And it will provide sustainable income for all five families to thrive as witnesses for Christ in a hostile region!
  • Omar was forced to flee his home when he converted to Christianity. With your support, we helped him start his own business producing leather crosses, bracelets, and wallets. He shares: “I have tasted life with the Lord! Without your support and care for me, I would not have survived the persecution and loneliness.”  

These stories aren’t about sewing machines given, cows purchased, or coffee shops established. The stories are about the greater story God is telling. It’s about helping to Restore, Rescue, and Rebuild the lives of our brothers and sisters. This is about establishing a firm foundation for the future of generations of Christians.

Giving Persecuted Christians stability, dignity, and a way forward

These faithful believers, most of whom are converts to Christianity, are the roots of our Christian family tree in the Middle East. Their presence in these countries—even as they face certain persecution—is an important witness to their communities of God’s faithfulness, providence, and protection. But they can’t bear the burden alone of withstanding persecution and building a business.

With your support, we can help persecuted Christians find stability, dignity, and a way forward.

Today, give generously to Enduring Livelihood of persecuted Christians in the Middle East and North Africa.