There is a special bond that happens between.. Spiritual Retreat: A time of healing and hope for persecuted Christians Nothing is Impossible for God! Persecuted.. Persecuted Afghans Rescued More than anything, our persecuted.. What to Pray for International Day of Prayer In Psalms, there are numerous verses the.. Yusra Wanted to Die; Jesus Gave Her New Life “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new.. From Terrorist to New Creation: Kader’s Story Across the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,.. Ahmed and the Miracles of Jesus Imagine being disowned by your family, beaten by.. Help The Persecuted: Rescue, Restore, Rebuild Imagine having to flee your country because the.. Abdul Risked it all to Share the Gospel No matter who you are, what your occupation is,.. 49 Baptized at Spiritual Retreat Do you believe that God performs miracles even.. Kalil’s New Life in Christ Imprisoned by his family. Threatened. Tortured. .. Mustafa’s Miraculous Escape from Persecution The ongoing civil war in Syria has displaced more.. Five Families Escape Christian Persecution When the Help The Persecuted team made strategic.. Opportunities to Help: Afghanistan There are hundreds of millions of Christians.. Enduring Livelihood for Persecuted Christians It is our great privilege that God uses our Field.. Former ISIS Leader Among Discipled Christian Converts Imagine being a Christian leader, ministering in.. Target of ISIS Leader Brings Him to Christ Funded: Thank You A crucial, life-changing.. Opportunities to Help: Retreats Funded: Thank You As a Christian orphan in Egypt,.. Opportunities to Help: Mina Funded: Thank You Karima grew up with a Christian.. Opportunities to Help: Karima There are hundreds of millions of Christians.. Enduring Livelihood for Persecuted Christians Newer posts Older posts