You changed Azin’s life with compassion and care... Your Impact through Help The Persecuted For many members of strictly religious families.. Persecuted by Authorities: Daria’s Story of Faith Through his television programs and online.. Brother Rachid: Once Persecuted, now Reaching Millions for Christ Prior to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, .. Helping Persecuted Afghans Like Nazy What started as a small assistance fund of a.. Joshua Youssef: A Heart for the Persecuted Since the Taliban took control of Kabul, the.. On the Run from the Taliban with a Newborn in Arms Since the announcement that the United States was.. Helping Persecuted Christians in Afghanistan Imagine fearing an attack from your own family.. Safe Houses Save Women Like Jalila When members of our Field Ministry Team meet.. Liman: Part of God’s Story in Lebanon For many years, Lebanon has been a strategic.. Hope for the Persecuted in Lebanon There’s a crisis in Lebanon that grows more dire.. Helping Christians During the Crisis in Lebanon Christian women living in the Muslim world bear a.. Women Like Hawa Coming to Faith Sometimes, the most powerful Gospel message is.. Hearing the Gospel Message in the Midst of Hardship In our lifetimes, we will speak millions of.. Encouragement for New Believers Like Sakina In Hebrews 4:12, Scripture tells us: “For the.. God’s Word: Alive in Sherine FUNDED: Thank You In Afghanistan, Farzaad worked.. Opportunities To Help: Afghanistan Refugees Farzaad’s Family FUNDED: Thank You After Rafik became a Christian.. Opportunities To Help: Afghanistan Refugees Rafik’s Family FUNDED: Thank You After her parents cancelled her.. Opportunities To Help: Afghanistan Refugees Damsa and Her Three Children FUNDED: Thank You Esin and Kashm are sisters who.. Opportunities To Help: Afghanistan Refugees Esin and Kashm For Christians in the Muslim world, their medical.. Medical Needs Rejected for Christians Like Salma Newer posts Older posts