Nothing is Impossible for God!
Persecuted believers in Afghanistan have been desperately seeking rescue since August. Our Help The Persecuted team is one of a handful of organizations working tirelessly to safely extract these brothers and sisters from the violent and merciless Taliban rule of their country.

Since the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, we have heard stories from daughters, fathers, elderly pastors, and young men who are afraid for their lives—all of them pleading to be evacuated by anyone who will listen.
Help The Persecuted has been delivering critical help to those still trapped inside, offering temporary safe housing, and working to identify, document and secure flights for countless persecuted Afghans. Women like Farida and Sayeda:
Farida, a Christian convert whose desperate voicemail reached our team several weeks ago, spoke barely above a whisper. She shared her father had been kidnapped and imprisoned by the Taliban, and she and her family were frightened and desperate. Sayeda shared her horrific experience since the Taliban took control. She was raped, her father killed, and her mother died of a heart attack following all the stress. |
Recently, after working around the clock for days and weeks, our team received great news that flights were secured and manifests were cleared for hundreds of our family members to evacuate Afghanistan. And within hours of departure, we received the devastating news that our flights were blocked.
Sharing this news with hopeful, expectant families was painful and difficult. This meant sending many people back home to anxiously await our call regarding next steps. And for hundreds who were now homeless, it meant moving to another temporary Safe House location we provided as they waited.
We do thank God for His perfect timing—timing that we don’t often understand until we see it in hindsight. We’ve heard encouraging reports following this time of delay. One of our partners on the ground shared that those who were unbelievers amongst the group continued to ask questions, receive Bibles, and one man shared; “Your religion is a good religion, there is no oppression, there is kindness.” God wastes nothing, and through this time of uncertainty we saw Him use our team and other believers to testify to His goodness and salvation.
We are grateful to report our chartered flights did eventually get cleared and that in total, over the past few months, we have safely evacuated more than 750 persecuted individuals.

The prayers and support of Christians like you have literally saved lives. We praise God for the hundreds of Afghans Help The Persecuted has rescued—they are so grateful, yet they face uncertain futures.As the crisis continues, as we grow our staff in the region, as we remain committed to Rescue, Restore, and Rebuild the lives of persecuted Afghans—we need your ongoing prayers and financial support. Please prayerfully consider what you, your family, or your church may be able to do to help our persecuted brothers and sisters. Thank you!