Over the past nine years, Syria’s civil war has been in and out of the global news. Hundreds of thousands have died, and millions have fled the country during this ongoing conflict. Even greater, the emotional toll of this war is difficult to gauge or comprehend.

The stories of those living through the Syrian civil war provide a more personal perspective on this difficult situation. Sevan’s story is one such example of loss, courage, and hope.

Living in a city under siege

Sevan is a Christian woman who lives in the city of Aleppo—one of the most populous Syrian cities, and one of the focal points of the civil war. Life in Aleppo has been one of constant unrest—daily bombing and explosions were not uncommon during the height of the war, and the violence still continues now.

Recently, Sevan lost her husband in a mortar attack in the city. In an instant, she became yet another woman widowed in Syria because of the war. Not only that, but she was forced to care for her elderly parents and her children; alone and afraid.

Like so many others in Aleppo, Sevan lived in fear that she would soon have to flee from her home at a moment’s notice. Her family was uncertain if they would have time to pack any of their possessions with them—or simply have to run for their lives.

Even more frightening, Sevan wasn’t sure if she’d have to make the choice between fleeing with her parents or children—uncertain if she’d be able to usher all of them to safety. Not to mention the fact that safety would not be a guarantee even once they got out of the city.

Not alone in being alone

Unfortunately, Sevan’s situation is all too common during the Syrian civil war. The conflict has left thousands of women widowed and just as many children orphaned. The elderly citizens like Sevan’s parents are also in a vulnerable position.

These three populations—widows, orphans, and the elderly—make up a growing number of forgotten people in this region. They’re not always able to provide for themselves, and less likely to be protected during an armed attack. They’re often overlooked and left in harm’s way.

Christians in Syria are often the first to be attacked in these situations. They’re the targets of religious extremists looking for a scapegoat. Even when they’re able to survive, they’re abandoned in a war-torn country with little left to live off on.

Remembering the forgotten

Sevan is fortunate. She and her family were not forgotten.

After losing her husband, she reached out to the local church in Aleppo. The church connected her to Help The Persecuted and we were able to provide her with critical assistance. Through this process, Sevan gave her life to Christ and now has hope for a brighter future.

We are only able to provide this physical and spiritual relief because of the support from people like you. We’ve been able to help many like Sevan, but there are even more in dire need.

Any gift you make provides immediate emergency relief in the form of assistance like critical food supplies, housing, and medical treatment. We also use these funds to help with her home repair—because so many buildings are damaged from the constant explosions and gunfire.

Finally, Help The Persecuted was also provide those in need with discipleship materials for spiritual encouragement and growth. Sometimes, like with Sevan, this is the first exposure they’ve had to the Gospel message. And they desperately need the hope that Christ provides.

As Christians, it’s our duty and privilege to help stand up and protect widows, orphans and the elderly—which means supporting our brothers and sisters. Because every part of the body of Christ matters. No one deserves to be forgotten or overlooked.