The explosion that rocked the port area of Beirut in August 2020 was a tragedy for the people of Lebanon. Over 200 people lost their lives, and thousands became homeless in an instant. Images and video footage of the Beirut explosion will leave you speechless.

Watch our local team leader Amin speak about the impact to the city through Help The Persecuted.

When our Field Ministry Team learned of the extent of the damage and the massive need in the area, they hurried to act. By God’s grace, they were already positioned and provisioned to come alongside the victims of this tragedy with Emergency Relief Kits including food, water, and other critical supplies. 

From the position they took in the heart of the devastated area, the Help The Persecuted team was able to provide ministry to residents and workers. As well, they turned their location into a staging area for construction crews.

Our local team expanded their reach by engaging persecuted believers helped previously by our ministry. This allowed these believers to gain temporary employment and give back as they provided for needs and began rebuilding homes. To date, we have helped restore more than 600 homes.

Good Was Born From the Beirut Explosion

From this tragedy, some good news emerged. The Gospel was shared as needs were met. More than 25 Bible study groups were established, and many people came to know the Lord as their Savior.

One young woman recently shared with our team that her parents had just passed away due to COVID-19, but that they had all come to faith through our outreach following the Beirut explosion. In her grief, she was joyful because they had all found eternal life in Christ.

Were it not for your support, our Field Ministry Team wouldn’t have been able to respond as quickly as they did with tangible resources to provide assistance. If God had not placed our team in Beirut, they would not have been able to comfort and minister to hurting, scared families seeking answers and hope.

Your Support Today Provides Care for Tomorrow

When you give to Help The Persecuted, you partner with godly men and women dedicated to ministry and care for persecuted Christians. Your gift allows us to be ready when tragedy strikes . . . on a personal level with individuals and on a broader level with cities and communities.