It sounds radical, but it’s true: What Satan means for evil, God is using for His glory.

Even as we hear about crises and struggles throughout the world every day, God is doing a great work—and our Help The Persecuted team is witnessing renewal with their own eyes!

Because of you, we are making a difference in the lives of persecuted Christians in the Muslim world by offering emergency funds, shelter, food, medical care, as well as Biblical encouragement and hope.

Not only are lives being rescued, but we see hope restored, communities rebuilt, and the lost coming to faith as they witness it all.

With your support, we’ve accomplished so much this fiscal year, including:

  • We held our first face-to-face Spiritual Retreat since the pandemic began—49 Syrian refugees were baptized! Most recently, we held retreats in Iraq and Jordan for women and refugee families.
  • The Afghanistan crisis was a large and unexpected part of our outreach this fiscal year. So far, the Lord has allowed us to evacuate more than 750 persecuted Afghans, and our multi-faceted compassionate response effort for Afghan refugees continues. We are committed to meeting their physical and spiritual needs as you stand with us.
  • Our Iraq Ministry Center is making a difference every day with new counseling and discipleship groups transforming lives in Qaraqosh. Once devastated by ISIS, this city is rebuilding and growing!
  • We just added another Safe House bringing our network to 19 Safe Houses throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
  • We are responding to crises in the region with Emergency Relief Kits, delivering critical food, help, and hope to those in dire need.
  • We recently hired our first Field Ministry Team member inside Iran! Iranian Christians face extreme persecution, and we are truly grateful for this growth opportunity to build up the persecuted church in Iran.

Working to Restore Hope in Lebanon

For our ministry hub in Lebanon, we recently shared with you the crisis for Christians in this country. 

Lebanon houses the largest Christian population of any Middle Eastern nation, but as the country’s economic crisis is now ranked in the top three of the past 150 years, Christians are more vulnerable than ever. Because of your generosity, the hope of Christ is being shared by Help The Persecuted through:

  • Gospel outreach and discipleship events.
  • Emergency Relief Kits (ERKs) with essential food items, discipleship materials, clothes, and fuel.
  • A food pantry and kitchen outreach in Beirut, to help vulnerable and persecuted believers and provide outreach to the local Muslim population.
  • Agricultural training for persecuted Christians to provide an income for their families and stock our food pantry.
  • Access to quality medical care by means of a voucher system for those who couldn’t otherwise afford it.

A brother in Christ from Lebanon expressed his gratitude: “I feel whole again! Thank you for your support and for helping me trust the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I had nothing, and you gave me everything. Thank you!”

Of course, there are so many more stories of how you’ve supported persecuted Christians in the Muslim world—just look through the section “From the Field” on our website! Your prayers and financial gifts make it possible for us to do what God has called and equipped us to do.

Help us reach more persecuted believers with help, hope, and the radical Good News of the Gospel!