Christian persecution is personal. Acts of violence are committed against men who are husbands, fathers, and brothers; women who are mothers, wives and daughters; and children … innocent, helpless children … without warning, and often without limits — all because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Extremists will often do anything they can to stop their family members or neighbors from following Jesus. Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and North Africa need our help. They need a personal connection that only the Body of Christ can provide. But where can we find Opportunities to Help persecuted believers in the Middle East and North Africa?

Personal Opportunities to Help

At Help The Persecuted, we want members of the Body of Christ, like you, to feel a personal connection with the persecuted Christians we are coming alongside during some of the hardest times of their lives. We believe that when you know their names, see their faces, and understand their needs, you can more deeply connect in prayer and personal support.

To help nurture that personal connection, we’re sharing the needs of believers that are requesting our help nowOpportunities to Help today.  The needs of persecuted Christians vary from country to country and between the types of situations each person faces. Sometimes, a persecuted Christian needs urgent medical care, or help fleeing a life-threatening situation, or they need food and supplies to care for their hungry children. Not only does Help The Persecuted provide a means for these needs, our Field Ministry Team provides prayer, discipleship and spiritual encouragement. It’s our aim to minister to the whole of the persecuted Christian—mind, body, and soul.

Opportunities to Help Today

The following are Opportunities to Help men and women in need of critical support for their families and encouragement in their faith. Your support—today through the end of this month—will be doubled in impact through a Matching Gift Challenge.

Help Sadira and Her Son

Help us raise $3,500 for Sadira—it will make a life-changing difference for her and her son.

Sadira is a wife and a mother who took her son and left her husband after he became violent. As she tries to make her way—alone—in life, Help The Persecuted Field Ministry Team members came alongside Sadira to disciple and support her.

Opportunities to Help Sadira and Her Son

You can help Sadira and her son. Read more of her story and make a gift to her support.

Help Bashira and Other Secret Believers in Morocco

Help us raise $5,600 to assist Bashira and other secret believers.

Many believers in the Middle East and North Africa must worship in secret.

Opportunities to Help Bashira and Other Secret Believers in Morocco

Many Christians who attend secret house churches have experienced extreme persecution for following Jesus. Our sister Bashira is an attendee of a secret house church, and her story of persecution by her family is heartbreaking.

Share in our support of Bashira and others as we come alongside of them with Emergency Relief Kits, meeting their immediate needs and giving them hope for a future.

Help Noor Start a New Life

Help us raise $4,200 for our sister Noor in Jordan.

Noor has been beaten by her family, her community has turned against her and she has fled for her life. All because she believes in Jesus.

Opportunities to Help Noor Start a New Life

$4,200 will help Noor with housing and basic living expenses, allowing her to gain security and stability as she starts her new life.

You can be a part of Noor’s story of restoration. Read more about the details of her faith journey and persecution, and the challenges she is facing today.

Help Support our Brother Omar

Help us raise $1,900 to support Omar’s small business which will sustain his young family.

Our brother Omar is on the run from his family who is threatening to kill him, and he needs our help.

Opportunities to Help our Brother Omar

With your gift, you can affect Omar’s future. Read more about Omar’s faith journey and persecution. Help us support him as seeks to provide a stable Christian life for his young family.

We are One Church, One Body of Christ

When the worldwide Church mobilizes to support and strengthen persecuted Christians, our faith grows. The support you give today—in prayer and in gift—could impact generations of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa. With these Opportunities to Help—outlined above—we can begin that personal connection and communion that Jesus prayed for us to have in John 17:22-23: “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”