FUNDED: Thank You

In Morocco, believers must worship in secret or risk being killed for their faith. Approximately 10-25 believers, including children, gather in each of the various home groups to worship and grow deeper in their knowledge of the Word of God. Help The Persecuted’s local Field Ministry Team leader Bassam has been meeting with other underground church leaders for decades, building friendships, and nurturing community and support among these secret churches. 

Most of the church members have suffered some form of persecution including the loss of jobs, family, and homes. With the strain of the pandemic this past year, many have found themselves in dire conditions with a lack of resources for support. Bashira is among them:

Bashira grew up in a Muslim family. She heard about Jesus at the age of 12 and received a Bible in secret. Over the next few years, she read it and became a believer. Both of her parents died when she was 17, and her siblings disinherited her because she had become a Christian—they kicked her out of the family’s home in the middle of the night! She had nowhere to go and was living on the streets until a young Christian woman took her in. Bashira had been working with this lady, cooking and serving food, prior to the pandemic. Now, she has had no income for months and has no one to turn to for support.

Together, we can meet Bashira’s and many others’ basic physical needs, allowing for stability as they grow spiritually and share the Gospel with family members and neighbors. 

Help The Persecuted, through Bassam and the other leaders, aims to distribute hundreds of Emergency Relief Kits which include:

  • Critical food — rice, flour, oil, and other basic supplies for survival.
  • Bibles and other discipleship materials for equipping and encouraging.

By helping us reach our goal of raising $5,600 for this effort, you will assist in delivering food, supplies, and discipleship materials to hundreds of secret believers in Morocco.