“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” – Ephesians 3:20

Ghazwan’s family’s story is one of radical salvation, the healing power of Jesus, and the provision of God. God’s reach is beyond our comprehension, and He is able to do more than we could ever ask for or imagine! 

Jesus Powerfully Meets Ghazwan in a Dream 

​​Ghazwan used to be a mosque imam and a teacher of religion, philosophy, and the Arabic language in Iraq. 

While doing extensive research on the Quran and other Islamic texts, he noticed many contradictions. Around this time, Ghazwan’s daughter was suffering from a severe heart problem that the doctors couldn’t treat. As worry for his daughter grew, he started experiencing dreams where Jesus would meet him. 

One night he woke to a dream where Jesus touched his daughter’s heart. His daughter was healed, and the whole family put their faith in Christ! 

Ghazwan’s Family Faces Severe Persecution 

The family’s faith remained a secret for a while until Ghazwan’s son, Anwar, stopped fasting and praying. His wife found out and told her family and the entire community. 

Not long after, Anwar was stabbed, and Ghazwan was intentionally hit by a car and broke his leg, requiring him to get platinum plates. Anwar’s wife’s family soon received a fatwa from the Islamic scholars in town that permitted Muslims to loot Ghazwan’s belongings and take the women of the family as slaves. Anwar and his wife eventually divorced and his only daughter was taken away from him. 

Ghazwan sold his property and moved his family to Turkey for safety. 

God’s Provision for Ghazwan’s Family 

Through the local church that Ghazwan’s family attends, they were introduced to Help The Persecuted, and we have been able to help them restore their legal documents, so they can stay in Turkey and remain in safety. 

Through your generosity, prayers, and support it is possible for us to walk alongside families like Ghazwan’s and encourage them to remain brave in their faith. Please join us in praying boldly for the safety and security of Ghazwan’s family – that they may remain healthy and continue to walk in the freedom of Christ amidst persecution.