Daria’s story is one of hope, perseverance, and a God who stops at nothing to reach the lost. When our team member in Iran learned about Daria and her incredible story, we were excited about the opportunity to come alongside her, giving her the opportunity to rebuild her life after trauma, abuse, and persecution.  

Forced into Prostitution…by her own Mother 

As a young child growing up in Iran, Daria never knew love. Daria’s father, mother, and brother were all addicted to opium and heroin. Her father sold drugs, and her parents constantly fought at home and frequently separated, causing chaos for young Daria. Her parents finally divorced when she was ten.  

Then, when Daria was a teenager, her father died of a heroin overdose. Soon after, her brother passed away in a drug rehab center. Because these losses put deep financial strain on her family, Daria was forced to stop her education after she finished middle school.  

Daria’s uncle was also a drug dealer, and he got caught for carrying drugs and was imprisoned. Her mother had a connection with his jailor, and she sold Daria in exchange for her uncle’s freedom. This began a years-long saga of Daria’s mother using her as a prostitute to cover household expenses.  

Her mother later sold her into marriage to another man who left her after six months. It took Daria years to get an official divorce, but she was eventually able to remarry, this time to the son of one of her mother’s friends. The marriage allowed her to escape the toxicity of her mother’s home.  

Not long after, she became pregnant with triplets, but two of them died. Farah, who survived, was in the hospital for weeks.  

As time went on, Daria grew suspicious of her husband’s behavior and later discovered that he had another wife and child as well as a mistress out of town. He divorced Daria, and she had to return to her mother’s house with her daughter Farah, where she was forced into prostitution yet again. 

Daria grew afraid that Farah would soon be forced into prostitution like she was, so she stopped working to watch over her. However, due to dire financial and living conditions, Daria had no other choice but to send her daughter to an orphanage. She was eventually able to regain custody but could not afford to send her to school. 

Overwhelmed by hardship and not seeing way out, Daria tried to commit suicide. She fell deeper and deeper into despair and hopelessness. 

Daria Hears the Gospel 

One day, Daria, in the depths of depression and sorrow, was scrolling on Instagram and discovered her cousin’s profile. She hadn’t talked to her in over two decades, but they started a conversation that led to her cousin sharing the Gospel with her. 

Daria was struck by the love of Jesus and gave her life to Him! She told one of our Field Ministry Team members,  

“In the darkest days of my life, a new light shone. God resurrected me and gave me strength to live again. He stopped me from being a prostitute and gave me hope to get out of those dark and loveless days and experience His true love. God saved me and my daughter.” 

Now, Daria attends an online house church where she is discipled by one of its members. 

Our Team Steps in 

When we first heard Daria’s story, we jumped into action to rescue her from her mother’s house. We helped Daria find a safe place to live and provided a few months of rent. Now Daria can have a job providing for herself and Farah! Farah is attending school, receiving the education that Daria was deprived of as a child. Most importantly, our team is providing Daria with spiritual support, meeting with her and helping her grow in faith despite the extreme hardship she continues to face. 

Persecution, trauma, and abuse didn’t get the last word in Daria’s story. The love of Jesus did. And she is now rebuilding her life! 

Thank you for continuing to give and pray as you are led. Your faithful partnership is saving and changing the lives of Daria and Farah—and countless vulnerable women like them who are following Jesus in countries that violently persecute them.