FUNDED: Thank You

Sadira grew up in a Muslim family in Morocco, and at a young age she got married and had a child. Soon after, her husband began abusing her. 

Sadira met a neighborhood family who seemed to be filled with love and peace—she was very drawn to them. Over time she found out they were Christians and began learning about Jesus. She gave her life to Christ and was filled with hope for the first time. 

When her husband found out she believed in Jesus, he became more violent. Sadira divorced him and took her son. She has no education and was unsure how she would provide. She has taken a job cleaning houses, but the work is not steady, and her rent is overdue. 

Our local team has been encouraging Sadira in her walk with the Lord and would like to help her with her housing expenses. By relieving her of this burden for six months, she can get ahead of her bills and live a more stable life. As a secret believer, in a village where most people are very poor, there are few people around Sadira who can assist her at this time. 

Your gift today will allow us, the Body of Christ, to provide the $3,500 needed to provide housing and living expenses for Sadira.