“Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.’”—Matthew 15:32
We serve a God that is well-acquainted with hunger pangs. Humbling Himself to human form, Jesus knew what it was like to have a growling stomach. As One who is fully Man and fully God, He cares deeply for both our physical and spiritual hunger. He longs to satisfy us, body and soul.
And just as He compassionately fed the crowd with a few fish and loaves in Matthew 15, our Lord seeks to fill empty stomachs and restore joy to fallen faces across the Middle East.
In Syria, families live amid the rubble from war. They don’t know if their next meal will come. There is no aid, no outside help. And in Lebanon, a country once known for its economic vitality, people are starving. Jobs are scarce, and the price of necessities continues to climb. The situation has never appeared so bleak.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our Field Ministry Team is eager to help our persecuted brothers and sisters, as well as lost souls, prepare for the harsh winter looming over Lebanon and Syria. They choose to meet the overwhelming need with faith…trusting that God can multiply the fish and loaves, bring light to darkness, and fully satisfy the masses.
Emergency Relief in Syria

“Winter is at our doors, and we have nothing to get by. Your support is that line of hope we strive to see every day.”—Noura, Syria
Despite a cholera outbreak throughout the country, our team recently began our Winter Relief Outreach in Syria. They distributed over 400 Emergency Relief Kits to persecuted believers in desperate need, providing prayer and encouragement along the way.
You can see the utter devastation in the eyes of these brothers and sisters. They have witnessed things we couldn’t begin to imagine. It was a joy to nourish them physically and spiritually, providing critical food supplies and bringing Gospel hope to those who need it most.
Outreach in Lebanon

Our team member Tarek recently fled Egypt with his young family after facing death threats. Now, he is embracing ministry opportunities in Lebanon! He recently set up a stand in a low-income neighborhood of Beirut to, in his words, “provide the body’s food and the soul’s food” to over 600 people in that community.
One day, forty people stopped to listen to a full presentation of the Gospel! Maryam was one of those precious souls. Upon hearing the Good News and meeting with our field team a few times, Maryam has given her life to Christ! Our team is now discipling her as she takes her first steps of faith.
“Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.’”—John 4:34
We are honored to come alongside Christ in accomplishing the Father’s work, feeding those in desperate need and giving them the hope of the Gospel.
Thank you for your partnership as we labor to Rescue, Restore, and Rebuild the lives of persecuted Christians, and bring hope to lost souls, throughout the Middle East and North Africa.