Walking with Jesus can feel lonely at times. Those around us sometimes choose to walk a different path, and we find ourselves without friends or family who walk the road of faith. 

Jesus understands what it is to walk alone, for He alone could walk the path to the Cross. He alone could bear our sins and pay the price we could not pay. Most of the friends and disciples He loved were not even there to mourn at His crucified feet. He understands the burden of loneliness, for He has entered into that grief before us. 

Hebrews 4:15-16 says: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” With this confidence, our sister Amira walks in faith, trusting that God will be present to help her in her need.

Amira Alone and Searching 

Growing up, Amira was a devout Syrian Muslim, praying and fasting regularly and always wearing her hijab. Amira’s family moved to Lebanon for her father’s job. But after a family conflict that has never been explained to Amira, her father returned to Syria alone. Eventually, Amira’s mother and siblings joined him. 

Now in her early twenties, Amira wanted to continue her education in Lebanon and was afraid her family would make her get married if she returned to Syria with them. She wanted to stay in Lebanon and make a life for herself, but she knew she could not do it on her own as a young Muslim woman. Amira found an organization that supports women and fights against violence and exploitation, and she asked them for help. The organization referred her to a group care home for women where Amira was able to live in safety and continue her studies. 

Amira Awakened to a Loving God

At this group home, Amira heard the Gospel. She felt that the staff there loved her more than her mother ever did. When Amira asked the care workers the reason for this love and care, they told her about Jesus and His love. Amira began attending church with them. Amira learned that she needed God’s salvation, but she was afraid and reluctant to make a decision at first. Then one Sunday, Amira asked to be prayed for before the church service. During the prayer, she felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and went to the service feeling a joy she had never experienced before.

Since that day, Amira has been growing in faith. She has been able to sleep well at night because of the peace she gained through Jesus, knowing that He holds her and keeps her safe even when she is most vulnerable.

Amira’s parents do not know about her conversion to Christianity. She is afraid they will one day force her to return to Syria. She has since taken off her hijab, a very significant public action that indicates she has left the religion of Islam. Someone who lives nearby and knows her parents threatened Amira and said he will tell her parents the truth about how she has changed.

Amira Abides in Christ

Amira does not currently work or have any source of income as she continues her studies. She had to move out of the group care home to make room for new residents, but the team there provided resources to help her pay rent for a few months. Amira is studying at a technical institute and plans to enroll in university next year. Help The Persecuted is assisting Amira so she can continue her studies and support herself, and we are encouraging her to walk independently and confidently into the future because of the God who will meet all her needs in Christ Jesus. 

Even though she no longer can count on strong ties with her biological family, Amira knows the love and care of the family of God. She can trust that the God who has called her into a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, will provide for her needs and direct her paths. Join us in supporting and praying for Amira’s safety, her growth in Christ, her studies and career plans, and that the family of God would continue to uphold her and care for her.