
The night was shattered by gunfire. The shots were aimed at Ali, a man who refused to renounce his faith in Jesus. One bullet struck his leg, sending searing pain through his body as he stumbled through the darkness, leaving a trail of blood behind him. The voices of his pursuers rang through the streets with a chilling ultimatum: deny Christ or die.  

For Ali, turning away from his faith was never an option.

A Transformation That Came at a Cost

Ali was raised in a devout Muslim household, strictly following daily prayers and religious traditions. Yet, despite his dedication, he wrestled with deep, unanswered questions. His search for truth took an unexpected turn when a Christian coworker gave him a Bible. As he read, he discovered a God of love, forgiveness, and mercy—the Father his soul had longed for. Ali embraced Christ, and his life changed forever.  

The decision came at a steep price. His own family disowned him. His in-laws reacted with violence, beating him twice and nearly taking his life. But rather than responding with anger, Ali’s heart overflowed with love. He had once been consumed by fear and anger, but now he found himself transformed by Christ. This transformation impacted those around him—his wife, moved by the change in him, eventually chose to follow Jesus as well. 

A Relentless Pursuit  

Ali’s faith made him a target. Extremists eventually kidnapped him, leading to a harrowing night of gunfire and escape. Forced to flee to another country, he tried to rebuild his life, but persecution followed. When radicals discovered he was sharing the gospel at his workplace, they tortured him, broke his shoulder, and warned him that further evangelism would mean execution.  

Years of relentless attacks have taken a toll on Ali’s body. Multiple injuries have left him with chronic pain, and he recently underwent back surgery. His health has deteriorated, making it difficult for him to work, and his wife is now battling cancer. Providing for their family of four has become a daily struggle, with some days passing without enough food.  


Despite the hardships, Ali’s faith remains unshaken. “Although it is difficult living in an Islamic country, Jesus Christ blessed me,” he shared. “God changed my life and behavior. I have suffered many hardships and persecution, but God has protected me and my family and blessed us every day.”  

When a Field Minister met Ali through underground church networks, it became clear that support was needed. Through our Enduring Livelihood Ministry, a plan was developed to help Ali regain independence. Given the mountainous terrain of his city, a motorcycle delivery service would provide a stable income for his family. The ministry has helped him create a business plan, and soon he started his business!

Today, Ali is doing well with his business! His suffering for Christ has not been in vain—the global Church stands with him. Thank you for ministering to him, making it possible for him to rebuild his life after he put everything on the line because of his commitment to Christ!