For our Christian brothers and sisters in the Islamic world, salvation comes at a great cost. Many are instantly persecuted upon declaring their faith. But through your partnership and our on-the-ground Field Ministers, they are rebuilding their lives.

Here are three of their stories…

Independence and Dignity through Business Ownership for Fadi

Fadi was radically saved from a lifestyle of drug use and broken relationships after he met Bashar, a Christian who shared the gospel with him. 

“From that day, I quit drugs. God gave a strange peace to my life. Everything changed.... Before knowing Christ, I did not have a goal or hope; God gave me a living hope and made me born again.”

Persecution came swiftly. He attended a house church, and a neighbor complained to the intelligence service. He and six others were arrested. His house was searched, his belongings were confiscated, and he was put in prison for three months. His life was threatened daily. Fadi’s family rejected him, so he had no choice but to run.

Our team worked with Fadi as he created a business plan through our Enduring Livelihood program to become a taxi driver, which would provide him a stable income. We supported him in the purchase of a car. This will help him lead a life of dignity after persecution took so much from him!

Ramin finds Peace and New Life in God’s Word


Ramin was born into a fanatical Muslim family. From childhood, he participated in religious ceremonies. He hoped his dedication would bring him peace and salvation.

But Ramin felt neither peace nor the love of God. Then, one day, one of his cousins told him about Jesus and gave him a Bible. This angered Ramin because he believed Islam was perfect.

However, the Bible immediately drew Ramin in. He found love in the Bible and understood salvation! He knelt and gave his heart to Jesus.

“I found true peace and love in Christ. Until that day, I was living according to my actions, but God showed me that love is everything. Although I have experienced many problems during these years, God truly protected my heart and life.”

The peace of Christ was immediate! And so was the persecution ...

He was summoned for interrogation by the Intelligence service in Iran because his name was on a list of church members. He was insulted and threatened. After that, they called and threatened him that “problems” would arise if he continued to attend church.

The work permits Ramin needed to run his business were denied; his young family suffered great financial loss.

But because of your support, our Field Ministry Team met with Ramin and was able to offer him spiritual encouragement and tangible support, providing for several months of living expenses, housing costs, and medical bills.

Hope and Peace Restored for Homayoon


“God was working in our lives, and we could see His blessings and fruits. God gave me the peace I was looking for as I found a true relationship with Him. God changed me and my wife, and through His love, our relationship also changed fundamentally and became more beautiful.”

Homayoon and his wife’s first days as believers were transformational! But persecution made life overwhelmingly hard...

Upon their return to Iran from Turkey, where they had attended a Help The Persecuted Spiritual Retreat, the police confiscated their passports. Intelligence agents stormed their house, took their personal belongings, and arrested Homayoon. They put him in solitary confinement for 58 days, threatening him for hours. He went on a hunger strike and was finally released on bail. No trial was held, but the couple was constantly threatened. Then a new case was filed against Homayoon. He and his wife had no choice but to flee the country.

They lost everything in Iran. When our team met this brave family, we were able to help them with several months of living expenses as they begin to rebuild their lives. Because of you, this family received hope, encouragement, and spiritual care to help them move forward in a new country, rebuilding their lives after losing everything for the sake of Jesus.

There are so many persecuted believers, converts from Islam, who can find hope and healing in Jesus Christ. Will you partner with us in prayer and consider making a gift to join us in the work to Rescue, Restore, and Rebuild the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters?