They don’t want to flee to safer places with so many lost around them at home.

Sayid is a 36-year-old man living in northern Iraq with his wife and child.

He grew up learning the fundamentals of the Islamic faith. But he couldn’t make himself pray to Allah. In 2005, a believer gave him a Bible, explained the Truth to him, and answered many of his questions. A year later, Sayid accepted Jesus as his Savior.

To support his family, Sayid had done everything from selling chickens to doing construction work. He was fired from each job because of his faith. More recently, he sold sandwiches from a cart in front of a school, but the principal warned the students not to buy from him as they considered him an infidel.

Still, Sayid and his wife feel a strong conviction to share the Gospel in their hometown. They don’t want to flee to safer places with so many lost around them at home.

Sayid and his wife started a home group church in their apartment, where together they disciple more than 40 new believers. But even at home, Sayid isn’t safe. He has been kicked out of multiple apartments because of his family’s conversion and ministry, and he has to keep his family on the move because of the persecution.

Currently, Sayid’s income is not enough to pay his expenses. Help The Persecuted supports Sayid and his family by covering rent and living expenses while he seeks solid employment. We are committed to standing with believers like Sayid who want to remain where they are and build up the church in the Middle East and North Africa.