Ever since she became a Christian, all of Nabila’s siblings and extended family have stopped talking to her and helping her. Yet Nabila is holding on to Jesus and telling everyone about her faith in Him.

Nabila comes from a strict Muslim background. Although she was a clever student who loved school, her family forced her to leave school and marry her cousin at age 13. Nabila lived with her in-laws who physically abused her and persuaded her husband to beat her.

In 2016, as the war broke out in Syria, ISIS militants shot her husband in the head and threw him in the streets of a nearby village. Her husband was alive but had a concussion and partial memory loss. He also lost his job and livelihood as a taxi cab driver.

Shortly thereafter, their house was hit by a rocket that destroyed the house and injured Nabila, her son, and her eldest daughter. They fled to Lebanon, where her step mother was attending church to receive aid. She invited Nabila to do the same.

Two weeks later she had a dream. She saw a Man in White who said to her, “Go to church and don’t be afraid. I will be with you!” She started attending church regularly.

Back in Syria, Nabila’s eldest daughter became sick while pregnant, and the unborn baby died. Nabila heard this and prayed to the Lord to help her daughter. A miracle happened—the doctors checked again and discovered that the baby was fine. Nabila felt so indebted to the Lord that she gave her life to Him.

Ever since she became a Christian, all of Nabila’s siblings and extended family have stopped talking to her and helping her. Yet Nabila is holding on to Jesus and telling everyone about her faith in Him.

Nabila now has a cancerous tumor in her intestines and is unable to work because of her overall health. The local church does not have the resources to support her, so Help The Persecuted has been able to step in with money for living expenses.