Last fall, an armed mob destroyed nearly 30 churches and ransacked the homes of over 100 Christians. Our Field Minister Rachid was on the scene in hours, providing hope through Lightning Funds and spiritual support.

Now, another wave of persecution at the hands of Islamist mobs has come.

Just last week, enraged Islamists poured caustic chemicals into yet another Christian church and set it aflame. Before anyone could put it out, the fire gutted the entire building, leaving only ashes and the frame of the building in its wake. The air conditioner, sound system, carpets, and Bibles all must be replaced.

The melted candlesticks and other religious items in the church

Above: The melted candlesticks and other religious items in the church

Again, Rachid rushed to the scene to see how we could help. In addition to meeting with local authorities to get an update on the case and advocate for justice, he met with the head pastor to determine the church’s greatest needs right now.

Above: Rachid meeting with the pastors in the destroyed church

In response, Rachid distributed Lightning Funds and provided critical spiritual support. Help The Persecuted will continue to stand alongside these brave believers, making sure that they will have a place to worship the God for whose sake they have lost so much.

We asked Rachid how we could be supporting Pakistani persecuted believers in prayer during this time, as Islamic mobs continue to target them and other minorities. He responded,

“We are praying for the future of the next generation. We want a safe Pakistan for the Christians and for the other minorities as well, because this is for all humanity. We are praying for our country for some favorable legal decisions needed for the minorities in our courts and supreme court.”

We believe that Help The Persecuted can, through the power of God, have a role in making Pakistan safer for all minorities, curtailing the power of Islamist mobs to wreak havoc and destruction.

Please join us in prayer, and please consider giving a financial gift to support Rachid and the persecuted believers in Pakistan as they cling to Christ.