After going several years without schooling, Rayah is now thriving in her studies.

Young Syrian refugees attending school near their camp receive blankets and other gifts from Help The Persecuted.

When families are forced to leave their homes because of persecution, many children and youth are unable to complete their education. This sets them up for crippling long-term disadvantages—academically, socially, and financially.

Help The Persecuted is partnering with local churches in Lebanon to serve Syrian refugees in need of schooling. These are just of a few of their stories:

Hassam (18) comes from a Syrian Muslim family. He experienced great suffering, both from the loss of his mother and from becoming a follower of Jesus. Hassam is very intelligent and is enjoying the opportunity to continue his studies.

This school, located near a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon, is supported by Help The Persecuted.

Rayah (13) lost her mother when she was three and her father when she was 11. She and her siblings had to fight their way to survive, and life only got harder after she trusted in Jesus and was baptized. They had no source of income or any help at all. They had to hide their faith from extended family so they could continue living in one room together. After going several years without schooling, Rayah is now thriving in her studies.

In addition to partnering with local churches who are providing education to refugees, Help The Persecuted is supporting students across the region by paying for registration fees, monthly payments, uniforms, and school supplies.